Content Optimization Efforts Lead to 155% YoY Engagement Rate Increase

Note: due to our contracts, the client related to this case study must be anonymous. However, if you have any questions, please contact us at

The Challenge

A Philadelphia-based athletic cover manufacturer partnered with Greenlane Search Marketing to assess its website after a recent re-platform and redesign. Since making site changes, the company experienced low, inconsistent online traffic on its revenue-driving product category and product pages.

Upon investigation, our team discovered duplicative content that was causing internal traffic competition and compromising our client’s SEO. Additionally, we uncovered many pages with little information nor competitive keyword strategy — explaining the company’s lack of organic web traffic. It was clear this Philly manufacturer’s website needed a serious content overhaul.

The Goal

Our shared goal was to increase website traffic and the engagement rate on the company’s most important e-commerce pages. These buy-ready pages lacked robust content and SEO tactics to help both users and search engines improve the shopping experience.

We also wanted to enhance the website’s overall buyer’s journey, since many supportive resources were difficult to find within its current on-site navigation for those still doing research prior to purchasing. This was a missed opportunity for educating shoppers on its products’ many benefits and showing search engines like Google they offer robust content for added authority.

The Strategy

We began with a Content Audit to evaluate all of the athletic cover manufacturer’s site categories, products, guides, and resources. We found that most product category pages had little or no content and needed to be improved. There were also issues with the canonicalization of these pages and duplicative query pages, causing the organic value to be split. 

To fix these issues, our team categorized whether all pages should be maintained, optimized, or consolidated/redirected. We organized related content and outlined interlinking opportunities in the optimization and consolidation plan. Additionally, we relied on a combination of keyword research and competitive SERP analysis to offer a strategic SEO edge.

With the client’s approval of the plan, we began optimizing the product category pages in March of 2023, with all recommendations implemented by mid-May. 

The Results

Our marketing agency’s strategic advisement and execution paid off, helping the client reach impressive results. 

Not only did the athletic cover manufacturer see a 155% engagement rate increase in a year (from a 34.6% organic engagement rate in February of 2023 to an 88.3% organic engagement rate in Feb of 2024), but product pages alone saw a 40% lift in sessions, 44.7% lift in new users, and 125% lift in views.

In the end, our content and SEO optimization changes to the client’s product pages were the keys to unlocking improved site metrics.