The Lesser Used Metrics of Ecommerce

The Lesser Used Metrics of Ecommerce

We all know the metric rockstars of eCommerce reporting – transactions, revenue, average order value, etc. This post isn’t about those metrics – they already get enough press. This is about the unsung, and too-often ignored, metrics of eCommerce. These are the details that are not as glamorous, but can be even more influential to creating incremental sales and revenue. (For general details about eCommerce tracking and its implementation, I highly recommend you take a look at LunaMetrics and some of their posts.


The Crucial SEO Importance of HTTP Headers

If you’re not checking your client’s HTTP headers, you’re not giving them good service. I’m not talking about the stuff in between the and tags, either. I’m talking about the server response that you get before you get all that nice HTML, or that fancy PDF, or whatever else your client’s website is slinging. That’s because, well, your client’s website isn’t slinging anything. It’s being slung by a server, and the server’s HTTP response is the first thing a web browser – or a web robot like Google’s crawler – will see.


How to get your WordPress site on AMP and Facebook Instant in 15 minutes.

You’ve probably seen it by now. Articles in Google search sometimes come with a fancy carousel at the top of the mobile results page, with a nifty little AMP icon. On some Facebook articles in your mobile feed, you’ll notice a tag denoting that they’re “instant”.

Unlocking More Data with Google Analytics 360

Unlocking More Data with Google Analytics 360

Google recently announced the launch of Analytics 360 with seemingly little fanfare. (I was hoping for fireworks, or at least a few streamers so my definition of ‘little’ may be a bit off.) The newer products all revolve around the core of analytics, but show some breadth and depth of trying to reach beyond just analytics and tagging to create better ways of using the data we have been collecting.

Google Analytics Autotrack – Redefining What Counts as Standard Tracking

Google Analytics Autotrack – Redefining What Counts as Standard Tracking

Google Analytics has recently launched their Autotrack options – a series of plugins designed to enhance the standard tracking implementation. Sites currently using just the standard Google Analytics base snippet are likely going to see the most benefit of these plugins, but there are a couple of other issues Google Analytics is using these plugins to try and solve for (such as single-page applications and device orientation). The plugins are a way for additional data collection without an extensive custom development or making the jump (yet) to Google Tag Manager.

We Built a Tool to Find Baller Meetup Sponsorship Opps

We Built a Tool to Find Baller Meetup Sponsorship Opps

There’s tons of value in groups. If you’ve never taken part, they’re organized get-togethers that can resemble little mini-conferences, meet & greets, networking events, game nights, and basically any idea that can bring together a group of like-minded people. That’s right – a bunch of people, united by a common interest in something, all under one roof and talking about that something.

A Link Building Tactic (On The Back Of Brand Equity)

A Link Building Tactic (On The Back Of Brand Equity)

Over the last few years, SEOs have been talking about relationship building as a concept. We’re often reminded how link building is becoming digital PR. And with that, I’ve been pitched more and more by big brands looking for a collaboration of sorts, using a different spin. Note: This is not new by any stretch, but I’m writing about it because it seems to be a current trend.

How Mission Marketing Can Improve Your SEO

How Mission Marketing Can Improve Your SEO

These days, most clients and prospects I talk to believe they’ve run out of things to write about. One ceaseless option is to update (and improve upon) their existing assets and stale “evergreen” pieces. Yes—evergreen pieces do go stale. But this post is about new ideas in a modern age. The days of “one landing page per keyword” is SEO history. The emerging best practices for SEO content—in text form—is (again) long form, holistic copy. Searchmetrics has told us this for years. It’s not a 1:1—it’s not because Google inherently thinks long copy is better for them to serve. The correlation is likely related to Hummingbird, Google’s improvement in comprehension, and good old fashioned keywords and synonyms. Or maybe it has to do with the content’s improved power to convert (and lower the bounce). At the end of the day in 2014, the bigger net you cast, the more likely to capture Google’s attention and trust. At SMX East, Search Metrics’ Marcus Tober gave a great presentation providing more context. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t really need a study. I’ve been seeing it myself.

How to Find Old Redirect Opportunities & Reclaim Links (with the Wayback Machine)

How to Find Old Redirect Opportunities & Reclaim Links (with the Wayback Machine)

Necessity is the mother of invention. Many years ago, one of our clients bought a popular, content-rich website and redirected it to their current domain. SEO (and retaining the backlinks) were not on their radar at that time. Upon learning about the migration, we asked if they had redirected the site at a page-level or just redirected the site to their own homepage. The client had no idea how the redirection was done and they didn’t have a redirect list (list of the old, legacy URLs) to work from. We needed to invent a plan to gather up the data.

All of Your Content Doesn’t Matter Without Meaning

All of Your Content Doesn’t Matter Without Meaning

I’ve heard the best time to write is very early in the morning when you’re still in sleep mode. It may help with creativity or in developing concepts. It might even help you spend less mental energy (who couldn’t use more battery life?). Not to mention, the only likely distraction are roosters, though only a problem for marketers working on farms. For our SEO clients, I often write my titles after my piece is written, but I never go into a content piece without a purpose. And more than a fluffy idea, but an idea that I can qualify as valuable.