How eCommerce Merchandisers Can Leverage SEO Trends Data

How eCommerce Merchandisers Can Leverage SEO Trends Data

Nowadays, SEO and PPC practitioners need to think outside the box, especially when it comes to eCommerce sites. In order to stay ahead of competitors, we need to invent creative ways to provide unique value through search engines. Ecommerce SEO isn’t just about rankings anymore. It includes ROI (revenue) from category pages, product pages, and…

How I Made Attribution Modeling Simple Enough to Sell to Your Boss
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How I Made Attribution Modeling Simple Enough to Sell to Your Boss

Stuck in a one-click world? Can’t justify your head terms, display buy, content-based email campaign, or any other top of funnel campaign? Trust me, you’re not the only one. I’ve been through this. A lot. But I have also overcome this a lot. What I learned a long time ago is that attribution is a…

Standardize Your Analytics: from Initial Requirements to Data Outputs

Standardize Your Analytics: from Initial Requirements to Data Outputs

Analytics is an area of constant refinement and shifting opinions. While numbers themselves are concrete, our interpretations, evaluations, and meanings of them can change. Definitions and context are key to understanding and interpreting data. Why? Well, every site we track requires an agreed upon understanding of how something is going to be scored. Think back…

Forecasting Search Marketing Success with a Click Curve
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Forecasting Search Marketing Success with a Click Curve

Wouldn’t SEO be much easier if there was a way to predict just how much a change in a page’s SERP rankings would impact the amount of traffic that page gets? While the “opportunity score” formula isn’t new, we wanted to share the one we prefer – and show you how to make your own….

The Technical SEO Essentials Checklist (for Not-So-Technical Folks)
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The Technical SEO Essentials Checklist (for Not-So-Technical Folks)

This is a checklist of technical SEO basics that you might not have known were basics. We know some of our readers are new to technical SEO, so we wanted to arm you with (what we believe is) the essential technical audit list of 2016. Focusing on becoming a full-stack SEO? This is the resource for you. Whether you’re a developer wunderkind or two steps away from luddite, this checklist is a great SEO go-to guide that anyone can run through.

How to Write Content for Multiple Audiences

How to Write Content for Multiple Audiences

We all know that user experience is a huge factor in successful SEO. A great user experience can set a site apart, while poor user experience can leave your site hidden amongst the spam. Knowing your audience’s wants and needs – and speaking directly to them – is key for their user experience. But what if your audience is divided into multiple audience segments? How can you speak to all of them at once? We’ll walk you through a few options. But first, let’s look at why this is so important.

10 Ways to Use the Wayback Machine to Improve Your SEO
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10 Ways to Use the Wayback Machine to Improve Your SEO

The Wayback Machine is well known as a useful tool for viewing the way websites looked in the past. It’s always fun to pop in a URL from your favorite websites to see how far they’ve come since the early days of the internet (and maybe make fun of them a little). But the Wayback Machine happens to be a pretty helpful tool for SEO as well. Here are ten ways we’ve found you can use the Wayback Machine to improve your SEO strategy.

How to Write Content in Your Client’s Voice

How to Write Content in Your Client’s Voice

If you’re writing blog posts, or any kind of copy, on behalf of a client, you need to know them so well that you can (quite literally) finish their sentences. As an outside writer, it’s a hard but necessary task. Great writers are plentiful, but writing in someone else’s voice – even a company’s voice – is the real challenge. I compare it to a comic doing impressions. (Or maybe that’s just my excuse to classify watching SNL as “research”.) Someone like Dana Carvey carefully studies the quirks and habits of how an entity presents itself. Sure it’s about the words they say, but it’s also about how and why they say them.

How To Create The Perfect XML Sitemap
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How To Create The Perfect XML Sitemap

There are many XML sitemap generators available for purchase, or even for free. They do what they’re supposed to – they crawl your site and spit out a properly formatted XML sitemap. But sometimes there’s a problem with these XML sitemap generators. They don’t know what URLs should (or should not) be in the XML sitemap. Sure, you could tell some of them to obey directives and tags, like robots.txt and canonical tags, but unless your site is perfectly optimized, you’ll need to do some work by hand.

Improve Your Link Building with Pitchbox (a Review and Tips)

Improve Your Link Building with Pitchbox (a Review and Tips)

We all know that links are an important part of SEO. They help users and bots navigate a site and give search engines information about its quality and authority. With links confirmed as one of Google’s top three ranking factors, we’ve all been reminded of the importance of quality, relevant backlinks. In order to get those backlinks, we have to put a good amount of effort into link building, and that often proves to be a big challenge. There are scaling issues. There are research and outreach management challenges.