We Built a Tool to Find Baller Meetup Sponsorship Opps
There’s tons of value in Meetup.com groups. If you’ve never taken part, they’re organized get-togethers that can resemble little mini-conferences, meet & greets, networking events, game nights, and basically any idea that can bring together a group of like-minded people. That’s right – a bunch of people, united by a common interest in something, all under one roof and talking about that something.
If your business IS that something, you can do wonders for your website, brand, community and personal stock.
Participating in Meetup groups, from a business perspective, is fun and easy. It’s also really impactful if you pick a growing group and make yourself a big part of it. Whether it’s by presenting, sponsoring, offering deals, and getting links back, you’re bound to win when you’re bound with a winner group.
How can we find a baller growing Meetup group?
A strong, growing group with an engaged base and great, frequent events is where we’re going to get the best bang for our efforts. How can we find such groups, without digging through pages manually? What we decided to do was build a tool that scrapes Meetup data into a Google sheet, analyzes, and shows trends and stats. Check it out here, and read below for the logic and how to use this thing.
Membership numbers are nice, but attendance growth is key.
We definitely want to find a strong, growing Meetup group to focus our attention on. I’ve seen plenty of groups with impressive numbers, but a steady decline in attendance when we take a look. Check it out:
What else can the tool do?
We wanted to take a look at even deeper info on who’s going to the group. We added the ability to quickly see the newest members, in the Meetup Detailed Stats tab. This also pulls the user’s bio and website if found.
Another thing we want to look at is member bios. Meetup bios are unique for each group the member is in, so better bios means more engaged users. Right in the main tab, we’ve listed all members that we’ve found who have bios under the graph.
Check this out – tons of members with tons of bios!
How does this tool work?
We built this thing in a Google Sheets doc, and it’s completely free and open-source. In fact, we do 100% of the scraping and crawling using nothing but standard formulas! The main one is ImportXML – it’s basically magic, so go learn more about it.
The main formulas that pull data are:
[toggle title=”Get the past Meetup events” bgcolor=”” textcolor=”” bordercolor=”” opacity=””]This code gets the <li> tags from the past events page and lists ’em all out!
=query(IMPORTXML('Meetup Detailed Stats'!$D$2&"events/past/","//li"),"SELECT Col1,Col2,Col4 WHERE Col4!=''[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Get Meetup group overall stats” bgcolor=”” textcolor=”” bordercolor=”” opacity=””]This pulls out the main stats for the group.
=query(importxml('Meetup Detailed Stats'!$D$2 &"events/past/","//ul[@class='dividedList small']/li/a"),"SELECT Col1,Col2 WHERE Col1 !='Our calendar'")[/toggle]
[toggle title=”Get individual group member details” bgcolor=”” textcolor=”” bordercolor=”” opacity=””]Grabs member details and bios. Totally not creepy!
=iferror(importxml('Meetup Detailed Stats'!$D$2 &"members/","//div[contains(@id,'memberInfo')]"))[/toggle]
Sponsor Meetup groups. Go out and speak. Network, make friends and get results. A link from a strong, growing Meetup group can work wonders. Just remember – even though we’re scraping and analyzing, don’t think for a minute about spamming groups.
You’re building a brand in front of real people, and they can smell BS a mile away. Finding the ideal Meetup group is a great step in the right direction – now you’ve got to become a real part of the community!